Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week 34 & a Wedding

Beto and I went to a wedding today of one of our co-workers. The wedding was on a HornBlower Yacht on the Bay, we departed out of the Berkeley Marina.

As you can see, my belly is getting HUGE! Finding a dress was not fun, everything looked like a tent. Beto was part of the wedding party, hence the hot pink, Playboy Bunny tie. It was a small wedding, maybe 40 people, 10 of those being the wedding party, hahahaha! We spent about 4 hours on the Bay and I couldn't help myself when we got near the GG Bridge. I took a lot of pictures. Here are a couple....

I like the one on the right, we were just about to go under the bridge.

I took more scenery pictures than I did of the wedding, oops.'s things? I'm doing good, my belly is getting heavy and sleeping is become increasingly more difficult. There's just NO comfortable position. I still have to sleep inclined to attempt to reduce the heartburn, on my side with a pillow under my belly because the weight of it makes me roll forward and tweak my back. Due to the growing size of my belly, I can't eat as much, it's harder to breathe and I pee a lot. There's only so much room in there and everyone tells me these last weeks are when I'm going to grow the most. I don't know where it's all gonna go!

One more pic...Beto looks nice. I look seasick, but I'm not.


ptrap said...

Yeah! An update! You do indeed look larger, and yet your face looks like a teenagers. Weird! I got your text pic but it bounced my reply. Fun...yacht wedding!

mama T said...

you look beautiful