Saturday, April 11, 2009


I had an ultrasound yesterday and I got a shot of Max's face. Definitely has the Tapia side big forehead and I think he has my nose! You can't tell in this shot but
the tech lady said he already has hair too. 5 weeks left.....come out already!

"I can't see it" How to view.....the picture is head on. At the top of the pic, left of middle is the white egg shape of his forehead. Then under that, to the left is the shaded area of his eye, to the right of that his nose and directly below his lips. He looks like his lips are puckered. Can you see it now ?


ptrap said...

So which way is he facing? Straight on or to the side? I have to admit I can't tell!

nancy said...

His face is amazing. He looks like both of you. Oh my God! He is so precious. He looks like he might be a little chubby precious angel. To be able to see him is just the most wonderful thing. We are in love with him already.

mama T said...

isn't science amazing!!! I love his little face. He is beautiful. I have shown this picture to everyone in both of my offices. I think they think I am a little crazy, they are correct I am crazy about this baby.