Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Start of Week 37

Today is the first day of week 37, four weeks to go. However my most recent ultrasound measures the baby at 8 days further along than expected, he could come a week early. That would put the new estimated due date on May 11th, which happens to be Beto's birthday! The estimated weight at birth is 6 pounds, 10 ounces. I have another Dr. appointment today, I'll let you know if anything new comes up.

I am officially on maternity leave from work, started yesterday. We have some record-breaking , bizarre heat wave going on right now. It was 94 here yesterday. I went out to lunch yesterday for my birthday, with my bosses and co-worker. Then quickly went back home to the comfort of central air. Supposed to just as hot today. I'm meeting my Dad for lunch.

I attended my last baby shower on Saturday at Cathy's house. Yummy food - caesar salad, Aunt Leannie makes a mean macaroni salad and Aunt Nancy made some delicious, fancy sandwiches. I had the turkey/cranberry on raisin bread and a piece of the pesto-mozarella-tomato sandwich, both great. We played a couple games. Like this evil one below where everyone cuts a piece of string to the size that they think I am around. Mom and Aunt Ana cut almost identical pieces, Mom won. Some others would have wrapped around me three times!!! Geesch.

Sunday was my birthday and Beto, Ron and I went to the Giants game. What a beautiful day, due to the previously mentioned heat wave, it was 88 in the City. We had perfect seats, the last row of the view box so the wall directly behind us cast a welcome bit of shade. Giants won!


ptrap said...

Look at your cute dress! Fun times, sorry I wasnt there!