Friday, May 15, 2009

Prego Pizza?

Went to the Dr. yesterday morning. Found out a couple new facts....I am dialated, 1 cm. The cervix is soft, which is good. The baby is "sunnyside up", means his face is face up. He'll either flip over on his own or they will have to turn him, he should be face down. Although the Midwife said it was not a big deal. I actually lost a pound this week. Still no concrete answers on when. Could be today, could be 2 weeks. We've scheduled another Dr. appt for Tuesday, the actual due date. If nothing happens by then, we will discuss inducing.

So, my previous post mentioned my aversion to old wives remedies? Well, Beto got a suggestion from one of our work friends to try this pizza that has been known to send prego ladies into labor after eating it. We didn't have any plans and I was feeling hungry after the Dr. appt. so we decided it couldn't hurt. We made the trek to lovely downtown Walnut Creek for some Prego Pizza at Skipilini's. See the stories on their website....

The pizza has seven different kinds of meat, veggies and a ton of onions and garlic. It was very tasty and everyone knew why I was there. Lots of friendly folks wishing me good luck.

Wow! I really should have put on some make-up, oh well. I'm nine months pregnant Dammit! I can look hideous for a few weeks.
But alas, no pizza induced labor. It's been just about 24 hours and I'm the same.


Ron said...

Sounds like you will put that pound back on after that pizza. Go Jen! Am I the only one who guessed that the delivery would be late?

What do I win?

ptrap said...! I say May 19 is D-Day!

mama T said...

Patience he will be here soon. I think Pam is correct the 19th sounds like a good date. Hang in there baby, it will all be over soon.