Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finish Line ?

I made it, started week 40 yesterday. Still no pre-labor symptoms. Damn kid already not listening to me! I can still walk and get around with minimal effort. I have outgrown even my maternity clothes. Seems silly to buy new clothes for the last week, but I did buy a pair of shorts yesterday while walking the mall. It's supposed to be 98 degrees by Sunday, I need something cool to wear.
I keep walking hoping it will help the process along, but nothin' so far. I'm not into the old wives tales of eating spicy food, drinking tea, gulping castor oil. But at least walking and staying active can only help in my recovery, I do that one because it has other benefits, Tess enjoys it too. Speaking of Tess, she has been a great companion while I've been home. I feel she senses something going on. She sleeps most of the day away on the bed, as she is now. But she'll come check on me from time to time. She'll hop on the couch next to me and throw her head into my neck and give me a nudge, like "hang in there."
Dr. appointment tomorrow morning, we'll see what they have to say...


ptrap said...

Go, Jen, go!