Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introducing Maximus Tapia Jimenez....

...born Saturday May 23rd, 2009 at 11:21pm by cersarian. Weighing in at 8 lb. 6 oz., measuring 21 1/4 in. long (now upgraded to 21 3/4 in. long).

I can't begin to explain the joy Beto and I feel. We also can't contain it, cliches are cliches for a reason. I've never known love for anything like I do for this baby. He's absolutely beautiful.

We are home from the hospital, as of yesterday (Wednesday) at noon. We are trying to stay strict on our feeding schedule and rest in between. Beto and I are also taking naps whenver possible to try and relieve the exhaustion and sleep deprivation of our hospital stay.
He is already very alert and his eyes are constantly scanning what's going on. He is also surprisingly strong, he'll grasp a finger and not let go for anything. He's eating good and gaining weight.

I know everyone wants pics, so I will post a few for now...


Katy Atwood said...

Jennifer, Max is absolutely beautiful and precious. I am so happy for all of you. Take care of yourself and try to get as much rest as possible. Your days of sleeping in are over for a while.
Love, Katy Heineman/Atwood

ptrap said...

So sweet!

ptrap said...

In hospital pic you look like you slipped into an evening gown!

mama T said...

he is, without a doubt, the most beautiful baby in the world. so sez his gramma

nancy said...

I have to agree with Max's gramma. Max is without a doubt a beautiful little baby. His parents are very special too. I tear up just thinking about how much they love this little guy. They are a special, special family now. I just love all 3 of them.