Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Week 30 !!

Just started week 30, only 10 more weeks to go. I'm convinced he's coming early. Don't know why, maybe wishful thinking, maybe because he's running out of growing room. So I'm putting it to blog right now, I say May 12th (original due date May 19th).

He has been very active this week, lots of movement. Which is a very bizarre feeling let me tell you. Monday evening was especially uncomfortable. He had one of his limbs wrapped around the right side of my body, under my rib cage. You could feel it from the outside. And you can feel when something pokes out. I don't know if it's his feet, or his head, or his bootie, but I get this strange, hard lump that protrudes from my mis-shapen belly, usually just to the left of my belly button. It's the weirdest thing ever. I feel like Sigorney Weaver in Aliens.

So send me your due date predictions, we'll see who comes closest.

This is a picture I found on the web, it's NOT me, but this is what it feels like.


ptrap said...

Well, I'll go with May 17, the day that 'Godspell' debuted on Broadway! We all remember my historic performance in the Sunset High Production?

(way to go Pam, make it about you! yeah!).

My wager is May 17.

Brother RT said...

I'll go early.

April 30th.

April is your month Jen and as such should be little Max's as well.