Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shower-free zone...

Beto had to go back to work this week. Max and I are learning to do stuff on our own. I haven't tried to leave the house yet, but I couldn't anyway because I can't seem to figure out a good time to take a shower. I can't leave the baby by himself! I'm lucky if I can make myself a sandwich, let alone worry about such trivial things as smelling shower fresh. Hy hair is a rat's nest because the last time I did manage a shower, I had no time to blow dry my hair.

I guess I could put Max down and let him fuss a bit as he is now as I am on the computer, but I choose to not make him fuss if I can at all help it. He's a good baby. The routine starts with a fresh diaper, feeding 'til slumber sets in (more about that later), burping and holding while sleeping. I know, I're going to say put him down when he falls asleep. I've tried that and he wakes up and then messes up the whole routine. The only time that works is at night. Somehow he knows it's night time and allows me to put him in bassinet once he falls asleep. During the day he wants to be held and cuddled. Which I gladly oblige, but I'm glued to the couch or the rocker all day. Oh and about the feeding, he's a monster. We at first thought he had gas problems because right after eating he would cry bloody murder and could not be consoled. Turns out he was still hungry. He takes breaks while feeding and I didn't know that he was taking a break, I thought he was done and closed up shop. Beto mentioned maybe he's still hungry so I put him back and off to town he went. I have to let him feed until he quits, which usually means falling asleep. That has all but alleviated his crying. So we do this routine every 2 hours or so, at night he stretches it to every 3-4 hours. Oh how I love the 4 hour nap he gives me!!

Here's yet another precious picture...


ptrap said...

Love that picture!!!