Sunday, April 26, 2009

Awhhhh.....The belly picture

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Start of Week 37

Today is the first day of week 37, four weeks to go. However my most recent ultrasound measures the baby at 8 days further along than expected, he could come a week early. That would put the new estimated due date on May 11th, which happens to be Beto's birthday! The estimated weight at birth is 6 pounds, 10 ounces. I have another Dr. appointment today, I'll let you know if anything new comes up.

I am officially on maternity leave from work, started yesterday. We have some record-breaking , bizarre heat wave going on right now. It was 94 here yesterday. I went out to lunch yesterday for my birthday, with my bosses and co-worker. Then quickly went back home to the comfort of central air. Supposed to just as hot today. I'm meeting my Dad for lunch.

I attended my last baby shower on Saturday at Cathy's house. Yummy food - caesar salad, Aunt Leannie makes a mean macaroni salad and Aunt Nancy made some delicious, fancy sandwiches. I had the turkey/cranberry on raisin bread and a piece of the pesto-mozarella-tomato sandwich, both great. We played a couple games. Like this evil one below where everyone cuts a piece of string to the size that they think I am around. Mom and Aunt Ana cut almost identical pieces, Mom won. Some others would have wrapped around me three times!!! Geesch.

Sunday was my birthday and Beto, Ron and I went to the Giants game. What a beautiful day, due to the previously mentioned heat wave, it was 88 in the City. We had perfect seats, the last row of the view box so the wall directly behind us cast a welcome bit of shade. Giants won!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I had an ultrasound yesterday and I got a shot of Max's face. Definitely has the Tapia side big forehead and I think he has my nose! You can't tell in this shot but
the tech lady said he already has hair too. 5 weeks left.....come out already!

"I can't see it" How to view.....the picture is head on. At the top of the pic, left of middle is the white egg shape of his forehead. Then under that, to the left is the shaded area of his eye, to the right of that his nose and directly below his lips. He looks like his lips are puckered. Can you see it now ?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Orange Family

Here's some of our Home Depot family from Baby Shower #2. I don't know where I was for either of these pictures but apparently I wasn't invited. Just kidding. My co-worker and cubemate, Kristin (not pictured) set up and arranged everything for this shin-dig.

We played a game where a team of 3 had to make a diaper on one of the team members with rolls of toilet paper.

Beto and I won, I can make a mean toilet paper diaper.

Complete with doodie (it was mustard).

The cake was made of individual cupcakes, very cute.

And of course, presents for the baby.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Week 34 & a Wedding

Beto and I went to a wedding today of one of our co-workers. The wedding was on a HornBlower Yacht on the Bay, we departed out of the Berkeley Marina.

As you can see, my belly is getting HUGE! Finding a dress was not fun, everything looked like a tent. Beto was part of the wedding party, hence the hot pink, Playboy Bunny tie. It was a small wedding, maybe 40 people, 10 of those being the wedding party, hahahaha! We spent about 4 hours on the Bay and I couldn't help myself when we got near the GG Bridge. I took a lot of pictures. Here are a couple....

I like the one on the right, we were just about to go under the bridge.

I took more scenery pictures than I did of the wedding, oops.'s things? I'm doing good, my belly is getting heavy and sleeping is become increasingly more difficult. There's just NO comfortable position. I still have to sleep inclined to attempt to reduce the heartburn, on my side with a pillow under my belly because the weight of it makes me roll forward and tweak my back. Due to the growing size of my belly, I can't eat as much, it's harder to breathe and I pee a lot. There's only so much room in there and everyone tells me these last weeks are when I'm going to grow the most. I don't know where it's all gonna go!

One more pic...Beto looks nice. I look seasick, but I'm not.